Employer's Guideline SocialTaskPro

Employer can start any Campaign mode as  requirements.

  1.  USA / UK/ AU /CA campaign
    If you need workers from USA/ UK/ AU/ CA/ or only from USA.You can select this campaign.
    Workers from these countries will be able to complete your job and submit proof.

  2.  International 
    If you need workers around the work 7 from anywhere
    you can select this campaign,work done more faster with International workers.

  3. Selected / Limited Countries
    You can select your targeting countries (minimum 20) from a list of countries,workers from you selected countries will be allowed to do your work and submit proof.You can change the countries later  also can increase workers

  4. Hired Group
    You can make a group of best workers by selecting best workers from MyCampaign --> Add workers to my group.
    You can select best workers by Country , By best Success-rate or by Best workers in your campaign category.
    Only hired workers will be notified and will be able to do the job,
    You can also change hired workers later or edit workers remove/ add more workers from edit job menu

  5. Paid to Click
    If you need visitors for your site or promoting any product?
    PTC campaign is the best choice to get visitors to your site or promote products.
    you will get the complete list of all visitors with IP address to verify.
    PTC Campaign doesn't required to submit proof but only members who visit? will be paid
Category / Sub-Category
You  can select the  any  category for the campaign so employer can find your job easily.
If you required more than one proof (example singup for two sites) you need to select right sub-category,
  • All Campaigns can can be edit / increase workers, temporary paused or canceled with instant refund anytime
  • All Campaigns required workers to submit proof (expect PTC)
  • All campaign you can decide your own cost to pay each workers
For All Campaigns IP address will be provided to avoid spamming & maintained quality of work for your campaigns
You will pay only for satisfied workers ,not-satisfied or pending proof will not be paid.


Posting a Job / Campaign

  1. You  select the type of campaign as required according to your task.
  2. You filled required information as details of work and required proof from workers ( expect PTC campaign )
  3. After completing the details and required proof ,click create my campaign
  4. You  deposit funds into your campaign account and complete the payment.
  5. Your campaign will be active and available to workers


Checking Proof
  1. Workers will submit proof and you need to log-in to site  to check the proof

  2. if you are SATISFIED?
    mark workers as I'm satisfied so worker will be paid 

  3. If you are Not-SATISFIED,
    Click I'm not satisfied and follow instructions
    Worker will not be paid.

  4. You can decide if you want to give worker another chance for correction so they can re-submit / edit  the proof 
  5. Worker resubmit the proof, if you are satisfied click on I'm satisfied and worker will be paid.
  6. if you are still not satisfied,this task will be scheduled to delete by system
If worker provide you incorrect proof or send you spam messages?
With all submitted proof You will get an option to Mark Spam while checking proof
if you this worker sending you a spam message or fake proof ? Mark them SPAM
worker will be permanently marked Not-Satisfied and Alert notification send to administration for further action.


General questions to help:
Q: What, If my Campaign reaches its all task and I still have not-satisfied proof ?
  1. When campaign reaches its all task and still have any not-satisfied task

  2. you will automatically get an option to re-active campaign by system , just click on it

  3. Re-activation will delete all not satisfied  task ( worker will not be paid ) and available to new workers

  4. Re-activation will not delete pending review proof(s)

  5. Campaign will be active again for new workers 

  6. Previous deleted not-satisfied workers will not be able to do this job and not paid.
Q: Do I need to deposit to start a campaign?

It depends,
  1. You can deposit funds via any available payment method or

  2. You can fund your balance by doing other's job & use signup bonus to start a campaign
Q: How long should I wait to start my campaign  when I finish deposit?
  1. If you have deposit instantly you can start the campaign instantly

  2. All deposits will be  instantly added to your balance

Q: Do I need to wait for my campaign to be approved or active after payments done?

It depends,
  1. by default : all campaigns need to be approved by administration which takes 24 hours But!

  2. if your account is setup for auto-approved campaign, your campaign will be active instantly,no waiting for approval

  3. you can contact administration to setup your employer account for auto campaign approval

  4. Once your account setup for auto approved campaign,your all campaign will be active instantly
Q: Can I canceled my Campaign ?
  1. Yes, any time, just go to edit job menu and click finished /canceled campaign

  2. You can also pause your campaign temporary

  3. All Canceled campaign are instantly refund into your balance

  4. To check your total refundable amount,you can see in edit job menu

  5. Not satisfied proofs will not be paid and permanently deleted.

  6. Satisfied proofs which you have already paid can not be reverse.
Q: Will I be charged any fees if my campaign rejected ?
  1. No: if your campaign is rejected by administration while you were waiting for approval.
    full amount will be refunded back to your same source of balance which you use to pay .
    No administration or any fees  will be charged.

Q: Will I be charged if canceled my campaign early ?
  1. No: if you canceled your active campaign,no extra fees will be charged but refund instantly.

  2. Please be advised : If you have any pending review proofs,you should review it first before cancellation of campaign

  3. if you don't review pending proofs and canceled your campaign?pending proofs will be consider as satisfied and paid,

  4. Not satisfied will never be paid at any cost even you canceled your campaign any time.
For earning by referral everyday please check here
For any question please check here or contact us for any assistance